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By-Laws of the Fluvanna Republican Committee, Inc.
Adopted March 21, 2002 Amended August 21, 2004.
Amended November 13, 2008. Amended January 12, 2016.
This plan sets forth the basic organization and code of operation for the Fluvanna Republican Committee, Inc., in the interest of facilitating and encouraging active participation by all persons of the Republican persuasion residing in Fluvanna County. It shall be used, therefore, in a manner commensurate with the continued growth of the Fluvanna Republican Committee, Inc., and consistent with the nomination and election of the most qualified candidates to represent Fluvanna County. Our party has great principles, principles that are far greater than the Republican Party. They are as big as all America itself. Our party will not grow unless it is a party of the open door, open to all people who share our principles, who want to work for the betterment of America and the betterment of the world. Nothing in these bylaws of the Fluvanna Republican Committee, Inc. shall take precedence over any provision of restriction of the Party Plan of the Republican Party of Virginia.
The name of this organization shall be “The Fluvanna Republican Committee, Inc.”, hereinafter called the “County Committee”.

No action of the County Committee nor these By-laws shall conflict with the State Party Plan, as amended from time to time, and to the extent there shall be a conflict, the provisions of the State Party shall prevail and the “Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia” is incorporated as if fully set forth in these By-laws. In the event any By-laws conflict with the State Party Plan, those provisions shall be null and void and the State Plan will control.

The purpose of the County Committee is to promote and promulgate the principles of the Republican Party, to encourage qualified candidates to run for public office, to elect Republican candidates to public office, to assist generally the citizens composing the districts served by the County Committee, and to assist elected Republican officials in the execution of their responsibilities.

Section A: Qualifications. All Fluvanna County legally qualified voters regardless of race, religion, color, national origin or sex, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, and who express in writing or in open meeting, if requested, their intent to support all of the Republican nominees for public office, while they are members, are eligible for membership on the County Committee. The County Committee shall require each potential member to submit a membership application form to the Corresponding Secretary along with an annual dues payment.

Section B: Composition.
1. A Chairman.
2. Precinct Membership - There shall be not less than one member of the County Committee from each voting precinct, if practicable, with the exact number of members for each precinct to be determined on the basis of the combined Republican votes cast in the last preceding Presidential and Gubernatorial elections according to the following formula: one Committee member for each two hundred fifty votes or major factor thereof (rounded up).
3. At-Large Membership - The County Committee may elect additional members at-large, who shall not exceed in number thirty percent (30%) of the membership of the County Committee.
4. Associate Membership - Non-residents of Fluvanna County who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, and who express, in writing or in open meeting, if required, their intent to support all of the Republican nominees for public office, are eligible for Associate Membership on the County Committee. Because this Membership applies to non-residents, an Associate Member shall not have any voting authority, nor serve as any Officer, nor Chair any Committee, nor shall they be counted when establishing a quorum.
5. Vacancies. Until the membership of the County Committee reaches the maximum numbers as authorized in Section B, Paragraph 2 and 3 above, vacancies shall be deemed to exist and may be filled as provided in Section D, Paragraph 4 below.

Section C: Dues. Each member of the County Committee shall be required to pay a reasonable annual dues, the amount of which shall be determined by a majority vote of those members who are present and voting at a duly called meeting. Dues are due March 1 and must be paid no later than the Mass Meeting in order to participate and vote in that meeting. Dues for Associate Members (Section B, Paragraph 4 above) shall be 50 percent of resident member dues. Dues should be forwarded to the Corresponding Secretary. Dues for new members may be prorated for partial year membership and/or offered at a reduced rate in conjunction with the purchase of Annual Fall Fundraiser Event tickets if approved by a majority vote of those members who are present and voting at a duly called meeting. However, prorated or reduced rates shall not be offered to individuals whose memberships have lapsed.

Section D: Election.
1. County Chairman – The County Chairman shall be elected at the County Committee mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary called for the purpose of electing delegates to the biennial district convention in the Fifth Congressional of Virginia and shall hold office for two years from his/her time of election, until a successor is selected, or unless sooner removed. Election will be determined by a majority vote of those present and determined qualified to vote by a Credentials Committee, appointed by the existing Committee Chairman prior to the vote, and consisting of not less than two members and not more than three members who will then register those persons who offer to vote and count the ballots once the polls are closed. The members of the Credentials Committee shall remain inside the room in which voting is conducted during the period in which voting takes place and until the ballots are counted.
2. Other Officers – Other officers shall be elected from the County Committee membership at the first duly called County Committee meeting after the election of the County Chairman and members of the County Committee.
3. Members - The members of the County Committee shall be elected at the county mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary called for the purpose of electing delegates to the biennial district convention in the Fifth Congressional District of Virginia and shall hold office for two years from the time of their election, until successors are selected, or unless sooner removed
4. Vacancies – Vacancies as determined in Section B, Paragraph 5 above, may be filled at any regular meeting of the County Committee upon the completion of a current application, payment of dues, and election by a majority vote of the County Committee. They shall hold office until the next county mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary called for the purpose of electing delegates to the biennial district convention in the Fifth Congressional District of Virginia or until successors are selected, unless removed sooner.
5. Voting by Ballot – Elections where there is more than one (1) candidate for office shall be conducted using paper ballots. Acclamation may be made when there is a single candidate.

Section E: Removal.
1. Any member of the County Committee is deemed to have resigned his Committee position if he (a) makes a reportable contribution to and/or (b) allows his name to be publicly used by and/or (c) makes a written or other public statement in support of a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee in a Virginia General or Special Election. Such member may be re-instated by a majority vote of the other members of the Committee.
2. Members may lose their status as voting members of the County Committee if they fail to attend either in person or by proxy three (3) consecutive duly called meetings. Voting status shall not be removed without a majority vote of the County Committee at a duly called meeting. Removal must be initiated by the County Chairman and the Corresponding Secretary shall notify in writing such members of their failure to comply with the meeting attendance provisions at least thirty days prior to a County Committee vote to remove voting status.
3. Members shall automatically lose their status as voting members of the County Committee if they fail to pay their dues. Voting status shall automatically be restored upon subsequent payment of said dues.
4. The chairman, any other officer or member of the County Committee may be removed from office for cause by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the County Committee; provided, however, that such person shall be given thirty days’ notice in writing that such removal will be sought and the grounds upon which such action is based. The notice must be signed by not less than one-third of the membership of the County Committee. Such person shall be given reasonable opportunity to appear and respond to the allegations. Examples of cause include the following, but are not limited to them: Working to elect candidates in opposition to Republican candidates and publicly attacking Committee officers or members in lieu of using remedies prescribed in these bylaws.

Section F: Appeal. Any person having been removed from the County Committee pursuant to the provisions of Section E, Paragraph 2 may appeal to the Executive Committee for reinstatement and such appeal may be granted for good and sufficient reason.

Section G: Vacancies.
1. In the event of the death, resignation, removal, or inability to act of the County Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall call an Executive Committee meeting within ten days. The Vice Chairman shall then call a special meeting of the County Committee to be held within thirty days for the purpose of electing a new county chairman to fill the unexpired term.
2. Members may be elected to fill any vacancy at a duly called meeting of the County Committee provided that notice of such existing vacancy shall be given with the call of the meeting.

Section A: General. The Chairman shall convene the Unit Committee when required, but in no event less than once during each calendar quarter, with no more than four (4) months between each meeting, and shall preside at the meetings of the Committee. He shall be responsible for sending written notice of the call for a Committee meeting to all members of the Committee, which shall include the agenda for the meeting. Such notice may be sent in writing, by email, or by posting the meeting notice on the County Committee web site.

Section B: Notice. Notices of the meetings of the County Committee shall be given not less than one week prior to each meeting.

Section C: Proxy. A member of the County Committee may be represented at any County Committee meeting by a proxy, subject to the following conditions:
1. No individual may cast more than one proxy vote at any meeting they attend.
2. Any person who acts as a proxy for another must meet the qualifications for membership in the County Committee, as stated in Article 4 of these bylaws, and meet the requirement of Article 7 of the State Party Plan.
3. All proxies shall be in writing, signed by the maker, substantially in the following form: I, (name of proxy) of (address) do hereby appoint (name of proxy) of (address) as my attorney, to vote as my proxy at a meeting of the County Committee to be held on the ____ day of ____, 20___, or at any adjournment thereof, upon any question that has come before the meeting, with all the power I should possess if personally present. Signature_______________________ Witness________________________ Address_____________________________________
4. Any proxy may be withdrawn by the committee member giving it at any time prior to its exercise.
Section D: Quorum. A minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the voting members of the County Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Section A: Chairman. The County Chairman shall:
1. Be responsible for the general execution and implementation of the programs and policies of the County Committee, commensurate with achieving the goals of the Republican Party Plan of Virginia.
2. Call mass meetings or conventions in accordance with the Republican Party Plan of Virginia and preside over the same until a temporary organization is affected.
3. Represent the County Committee on the Republican Fifth District Committee.
4. Convene the County Committee as stated in Article 5 section A and more frequently when the needs of the County Committee so demand.
5. Appoint two qualified persons to make an annual audit of the books and financial records of the County Committee at the end of the fiscal year, which persons shall report to the County Committee.
6. Appoint standing committee and special committee members.

Section B: Vice Chairmen.
The Vice-Chairman for Policy shall:
1. Assist the Chairman in the execution and implementation of the programs and policies of the County Committee.
2. Serve as temporary County Chairman in the absence of the County Chairman.
3. Coordinate committees, programs and special projects as assigned by the County
4. Organize all precincts in Fluvanna County and work with Precinct Captains to see that they are properly trained, instructed and supplied.
5. In the event the County Chairman’s death, resignation, removal or inability to act, take action as required by Article 4, Section G.

The Vice-Chairman for Administration shall:
1. Serve as temporary County Chairman in the absence of the County Chairman and the Vice-Chairman for Policy.
2. Maintain a data base of Fluvanna County Republicans who are potential Committee members and who may be expected to vote for republican candidates. Provide database lists to Officers, Precinct Captains and Republican Candidates as necessary.
3. Coordinate the development and maintenance of the Fluvanna Republican Committee Web Site.

Section C: Secretaries.
The Recording Secretary shall:
1. Record and retain the minutes of all meetings of the County Committee. Submit the meeting minutes to the Committee Chairman for approval.
2. Keep an accurate list of attendance of all FRC meetings.
3. Deliver all official records in their custody to their successor within ten days of the expiration or ending their term of office.
4. Notify Committee members in writing as outlined in Article 4 Section E. when they have failed to comply with dues payment or attendance requirements.

The Corresponding Secretary shall:
1. Responsible for such outgoing correspondence and mailings as may be directed by the County Chairman, the Executive Committee or as required for any duly authorized meeting.
2. Repository for all incoming and outgoing correspondence.
3. (deleted)
4. Deliver all official records in their custody to their successor within ten days of the expiration or ending of their term of office.

Section D: Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall perform his duties as follows:
1. As a member of the Finance Committee, assist in the preparation of the annual budget for the County Committee and present it to the Committee for approval prior to 1 March of the coming year
2. Maintain a record system for all collections and disbursements with their supporting documentation for all FRC financial transactions in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles. Present a financial report to members at each FRC meeting.
3. When directed by the County Chairman or by a majority of the Executive Committee, the Treasurer will open the financial records to specified County Committee members or to appropriate governmental authorities.
4. Receive membership applications, record dues payments, and deposit dues payments in the FRC designated bank. Provide Vice-Chairman for Administration with new member information for inclusion in the FRC database.
5. Deliver all official records in their custody to their successor within ten days of the expiration or ending of their term of office.

Section E: Precinct Captains. Precinct Captains shall:
1. Serve as a communication link between the Officers and the County Committee members.
2. Recruit new County Committee members.
3. Organize the physical location of the County Committee at each polling place and recruit members to staff the polls at all times the polls are open.

Section A: Membership. The executive committee shall consist of the following members: 1. County Chairman 2. Vice-Chairmen 3. Recording Secretary 4. Corresponding Secretary 5. Treasurer 6. Precinct Captains 7. Immediate past chairman (if still a member of the County Committee)

Section B: Duties. The Executive Committee shall carry on the business of the County Committee in conformity with the policies and procedures of the Republican Party of Virginia. It shall have the general power to administer the affairs of the County Committee between regular meetings of the County Committee and shall report its actions to the County Committee.

Section C: Quorum. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of committee.

Section D: Meetings. Meetings of the Executive Committee will be held upon the prior call of the County Chairman or of two voting members of the Executive Committee.

Section A: Standing Committees. There may be the following Standing Committees, the members of which shall be appointed
by the County Chairman, with the approval of the majority of the County Committee, unless otherwise provided:
1. Finance
2. Public Relations
3. Precinct Organization
4. Candidates
5. Research and Issues
6. Nominating
7. Rules and Resolutions

Section B: Special Committees. There may be additional special committees as are deemed advisable by the County Chairman or the Executive Committee. The County Chairman shall be an ex-officio member of all such committees.

Section C: Standing Committee Organization and Duties.
1. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Finance Chairman and the Treasurer. They shall carry out the overall planning and supervision of the financial affairs the County Committee. It shall plan, organize and supervise the raising of funds. It shall prepare an annual budget and a projection of expenses to be presented by the Treasurer at the annual meeting of the County Committee. It shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the County Chairman.

2. Public Relations Committee. The Public Relations Committee shall consist of a chairman and such other members as may be deemed advisable. This committee will plan and manage the public relations functions of the County Committee and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the County Chairman.

3. Precinct Organization Committee. The Precinct Organization Committee shall consist of the Precinct Captains. The committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining an organization for effective communication between individual voters and the leadership of the Republican Party as well as a mechanism for accomplishing the objectives of the Republican Party.

4. Candidates Committee. The Candidates Committee shall consist of a chairman and at least one other member of the County Committee from each precinct, insofar as practical. They shall actively seek out and encourage potential qualified candidates from the Republican Party for all public office. Potential candidates should be oriented to the duties and requirements of the office. The candidates committee shall report potential candidates to the County Committee. Nomination of candidates is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee. Other duties assigned by the County Chairman may be performed.

5. Research and Issues Committee. The Research and Issues Committee shall consist of a chairman and such other members as deemed advisable. The committee shall conduct continuing research on current issues to include local, state and national. Information will be furnished to the County Committee, to all Republican candidates, and files will be maintained. Other duties may be assigned by the County Chairman.
6. (deleted)
7. (deleted)

The use of nouns and pronouns within these bylaws shall be construed to denote either gender.

Endorsements for Local, State and Federal Offices The County Committee may endorse candidates for Local, State and Federal offices with a two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting in favor of such endorsement. It is understood that these candidates are not nominated by any political party but are running as Independents. Notice of all such endorsement votes must be included in the agenda sent with the call. If there is a candidate running as a Republican in a race, no other candidate can be endorsed for that race.

All Fluvanna Republican Committee web sites, social media sites, and email are the sole property of the County Committee. There should be at least three people who have access to the associated passwords, and at least one of these individuals must be an officer of the committee (Chair, Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary, or Treasurer).

The State Republican Party Plan, the County Committee By-Laws, and Robert’s Rules of Order, revised shall govern all proceedings of all committees and conventions and mass meetings conducted by the County Committee.

These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those County Committee members who are present and voting at a duly called meeting, provided a copy of such proposed amendment shall be mailed to the membership along with the official notice of such meeting


Fluvanna Republican Committee
Darrell Byers, Chair
PO Box 114
Palmyra VA 22963

Phone: 434-996-7489



Tim Hodge, First Vice-Chair

Phone: 434-234-7287



FACEBOOK: Fluvanna Republicans

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